5 Health Benefits Of CBD Oils

Research shows that medical marijuana, which comes in a variety of forms, may help treat certain health conditions and their symptoms. Unlike most natural medicine, CBD oil actually has noticeable benefits. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 80 plus active cannabinoids naturally found in the cannabis or hemp plant. Using this rubric and based on eleven studies, cannabis rated in the possible-to-probable range of efficacy for treatment of anxiety.

Hemp is part of the same family of plants as cannabis, known as the cannabis sativa family, meaning hemp and cannabis contain many of the same compounds. Analyzing several trials and studies, a 2017 report concluded that adults treated with cannabis or cannabinoids, like CBD, are likely to experience a significant reduction in chronic pain symptoms ( 5 ).

Highly concentrated doses of CBD oil have been successfully used to treat epilepsy in a study conducted by Dr. Ian Rosemergy, Department of Neurology, Wellington Regional Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand. CBD oil and hemp oil are two of the most misunderstood oils in the world.

States are rethinking the legality of marijuana , and an influx of research on the benefits of the plant is giving it a boost. A number of studies have connected the use of cannabidiol (CBD) with decreased CBD Oil Health Depot occurrence and severity of neurodegenerative diseases, such 7 as Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease.

Here, we break down what we know about the benefits of CBD oil and what it can treat so far, including what's been studied, what doctors are saying, and what's still left up to interpretation. CBD-infused chewing gum is an effective way to gain the effects of CBD because the compound is quickly absorbed into the body through the mucous membranes in the mouth.

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